Thursday, October 17, 2013

HOURIHAN's What We're Doing When We Blog

“The linking that happens through blogging creates the connections that bind us.
 Commentary alone is the province of journals, diaries, and editorial pieces.”
Every magazine now has a coordinating website – for the people who on occasion use a laptop, and rely solely on handheld Apple technology – mainly every high fashion magazine has coordinating links and app’s to keep their listeners busy. Certain applications such as: Tumblr and Instagram are directed towards photography enthusiasts; when Pinterest, and YouTube can be helpful in giving images and video direction of “how to do this” and “how to do that”; Twitter and Facebook allow us to have a constant feed of your every thought… and at times pictures and commentary on what you’re up to. Magazine marketing has come into the tricky business of having to create multiple social media platforms to entertain a diverse audience.

Fashion bloggers must also learn the 'technique of timing' since this enhances the writers likelihood to systematically record and follow the change occurring daily in the fashion industry ;

since many trends tend to fade, the topics of interest switch even faster. When you first enter a blog, Hourihan realizes the “Reverse-chronological order in which posts appear, when a reader visits a weblog, she is always confronted with the newest information at the top of the page.” Living in our media-dominated Western Culture, we ALWAYS want to hear about the new and upcoming news first; history class usually isn’t a favorite.
Does is always matter who gets the information first? Do we even know what does come first nowadays? Who found out about Kanye and Kim’s pregnancy – Enews, twitter, Facebook, the front page of People, Kim’s notorious Instagram (most likely), or her family? The difference between live television and hard copy magazines – we can see WHO the information is coming from. When you’re looking for a good blog, you most likely are looking for a credible source, or at least someone to share the same point of view as you. The fashion industry’s large following create the specific demand to not only be informed, but have bloggers that perfect the art of consistency and reliability.
Following the quantum amount of data compiled in cyberspace, technology was once something to use in our “free time” in order to be entertained. Applications have brought gaming, hobbies, and severe addictions to Bubble Breaker to another level… having said this, applications have also rebuilt a lost and unheard of connection. The applications that we collectively use has opened the once locked doors for many celebrities and models to also download, create, and use in their down time – there posts are followed and made public for their millions of fans to see.

Speaking of credibility and being entertained…

While many avid bloggers are preoccupied with the idea that the information they have attained from ‘John Doe’ makes them the most reliable confidant – but most comedy is comedic and entertaining because it’s completely absurd and bullshit.  Laguna Beach, The Hills, to The City… reality TV we have seemed to grow up with. We turn into our favorite station in hopes of being entertained, and we are looking for entertainment from “average” people and the “drama” which occurs in their “reality”.

LC... California's sweetheart. Today better known as Lauren Conrad - she has built a pyramid of success that swiftly followed her choice to escape the ‘reality MTV’ puppet show.

Lauren Conrad played her role to a t – and her books (L.A. Candy - incredible!) told an INSIDE story of how much was ‘reality’ and what was left to the choreographers i.e. producers. She talked about how the season was drawn on, connecting and plotting where responses and reactions would lead them – as long as the viewers were tuning in on edge to find out more every week night. WE ALL know there is nothing REAL about REALity television, yet for the sake of entertainment, America cared enough to see the alcoholic members of Jersey Shore become millionaires.

Lauren Conrad has traveled far past her first publications of L.A. candy and is now the most sought out fashion adviser and author –  she's utilized multiple social media platforms to track what she’s been up to years after Laguna Beach. Away from the video cameras, Lauren Conrad was able to make her own identity and draw in a huge following. Not only do I routinely check her personal blog updates, I follow her on Instagram – or what I think is my fastest most for information.
This is the first ‘couple pic’ LO posted on Instagram of her and the new hubby. Before this picture, she only talked about cooking and going places with her newly announced love interest; this popular post was just 9 weeks ago (from today). This Instagram post preceded her freshly circulated picture of the “surprise” engagement ring… shortly after this post ENEWS displayed Conrad’s pictures and told the world about LO’s new engagement, and who this lucky man really is.

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