Thursday, October 17, 2013

POSTER's "Information Please"

What is censored? Not the new American Horror Story.

AHS viewer's should know that little to none
 of Emma Robert's new and improved (?)
 role's vulgar façade is being censored.
Halloween is the highly anticipated time of year when you can dress up as 'anything you want to be', but what about the rest of the year? Halloween seems to be less about the candy, and more about the opportunity of playing up our dark side. Vampires and witches have become increasingly popular in television and book series. Halloween and supernatural creatures have always been a part of our culture, now so more then ever these entities seem to even be semi-celebrated; while other societies choose to censor out this holiday. The internet is made up of bits and pieces of contributions made worldwide - specifically linking fashion - models worldwide can contribute feedback and post pictures.

Although certain platforms such as Tumblr and Lookbook cater to modeling, blogs seem to be keeping up just fine with there activity and responses in relation to the fashion empire. Models and information today now have to contribute to a "global market" or "global audience." Where the line is usually drawn is clearly shaky via internet censorship especially - which Poster demonstrates. Freedom of Speech has always been questioned when possibly crossing the boundaries of prejudice.

Online modeling agencies, online look books, tumblers, Instagrams, and style blogs show how truly connected we are in the world. When I first created LookBook one of my first followers was from Sweden. Living half way across the world you think our sense of style mash not mesh well, but she happened to be one my most hyped. The picture on the left is a category found on LookBook where you can look up models specifically from which country they are posting from.

From Athens, Greece.


From Australia.

From Hungary.

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